When you realize you’ve run into some money problems, you could act like the president and blame them on Canada. Or, you could deal with your financial fiasco like an adult and spend less time pointing your finger and more time finding a way to fix it. If you’re like many Americans, your solution won’t be found with a traditional lender but a direct online lender of small-dollar loans.
Why You Should Break With Tradition
When asked to think about financial assistance, most people will envision walking into the bank and asking a financial advisor for a loan. While many of these institutions offer critical help to millions of Americans, they don’t provide it to every individual that walks through their door. They review applications according to strict rules and regulations, many of which restrict those with poor credit from applying. This process takes time to complete as you meet with advisors and submit supporting documents that are shared with other institutions. In some cases — like when you’re facing down an impending due date — you simply don’t have the time to wait.
Direct Lenders Are A Refreshing Alternative
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Direct lenders have streamlined their rules and regulations to help those typically overlooked by conventional lenders. They still review you application carefully, but they don’t necessarily use subprime credit scores to reject your application. If you speak with the representatives at MoneyKey, they’ll you know what you need to provide. These reps may review your rating through other channels, but it’s not the only way they’ll determine your candidacy. It’s just one number amongst many factors they use to review your application.
They also don’t rely on in-person meetings to determine your candidacy, as they do most of their business online. All they require is basic contact and financial information submitted in an online application, and they’ll notify you if you qualify within minutes. For those that do, you’ll receive a phone call from a representative to verify the information that you supplied. If everything checks out, direct payday lenders like MoneyKey deposit your approved short term loan into the account that you supplied on your application. In some cases, you’ll receive your cash in as little as one business day.
Stick With State Licensed Lenders
While no loan is inherently bad for your wallet, there are some that are better suited for your situation. That also means there are those that aren’t suited for your situation at all. Don’t assume direct lenders are a one-size-fits-all solution, as you may agree to a loan with rates, terms, and conditions outside of your means to follow. Be careful where you put your signature. Stick with those lenders like MoneyKey that are state licensed lenders. These licenses are issued to protect consumers from predatory lending scams, and only state licensed lenders have proven their rates, terms, and conditions abide by the law.
Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide whether or not a short term loan is appropriate for your situation. While a lender can help by simplifying the process, only you know your current financial capabilities well enough to determine if you can take on its repayment. Take the time to read up on what’s involved before you apply. It’s the first step to finding a financially responsible solution to your cash shortage.