RevealRealEstate: Revealing Central American Real Estate

In the age of Web 2.0, real estate investors have been spoiled by websites such, Trulia and BlueRoof, which offer dynamic and comparable real estate information and …

In the age of Web 2.0, real estate investors have been spoiled by websites such, Trulia and BlueRoof, which offer dynamic and comparable real estate information and figures. Hoping to add to the pool of reliable tools for investors, is a new site launched to help users discover real estate investments in Central America.

"We’ve built a database of real estate developments, condo projects and resort communities targeting the international buyer,” states the website. offers in-depth market overviews of Belize, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. These overviews include information on tourism, lifestyle options, local environments and of course a healthy dose of investment information, such as property values and price comparisons, ultimately with goal of helping, "international real estate investors make more informed decisions."

Much of the staff at are former real estate brokers, who, after working in the Central American region, realized the difficulty of finding reliable information on important investments. Building a database with price comparisons and making it easily accessible through the internet was their way of countering "the notoriously unreliable data coming out of the region."


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For investors that are unsure whether to choose a condo over a vacation home or even how to find the value of a vacant lot, RevealRealEstate provides a host of comparisons across investment options and across countries. It also empowers investors to contribute to the site and the greater knowledge pool by commenting freely on the ever-evolving hotspot section, which keeps investor apprised on evolving areas in the Central American real estate market. Through My.RevealRealEstate, buyers, sellers and any other interested parties can come to meet and discuss opportunities in the market. The creators cite this as the key to the site’s continued success.

"At the heart of this (site) is investor reviews of property hotspots and the My.RevealRealEstate social network. Our goal here is to bring the offline conversation about international real estate in Central America online," according to the website.

The site also hopes to implement trend data as time goes on, in order to further inform those actively using the site for real estate information. According to the website, "A key addition that will come in the first part of 2009 will be trend data. Right now the pricing information is a snap shot taken in the second half of 2008. We plan to update this quarterly so that we start to build out trend information."

RevealRealEstate seems to understand that international real estate is not always the easiest investment opportunity to approach, and hopes to make the research and due diligence process that much easier. But don’t think the site’s creators will be content with just updating price data. The creators plan to expand coverage to cover Mexico and all of Central America, including Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Once they have these markets covered, the plan is to begin covering South America, starting with Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Chile.

For those interested in learning more about investment opportunities in Central America or to see the website in action, visit


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